September is over. How nuts is that. It seems like this year has gone exceptionally fast. October is the start of my favorite part of the year though! I am particularly fond of the cold but I love the holidays. Halloween through New Year, including the birthdays of both my boys mixed in there. I'll post soon about how we're decorating for Halloween and what the kids will be wearing. For now, I'm going to look back on September and what we've read.
Starting with me first. I didn't read as much as I wanted to this month. I've been mostly crocheting, cross stitching and napping. Hopefully October will be more book filled.

I read this series as a teenager and when I found the 3rd and 4th books in my local 2nd and Charles for 2 bucks I decided to reread them. I really enjoyed this as a kid but I found they fell a little flat for me now that I'm all grown up. Bummer. I still think they're worth reading. They would be a great choice for parents looking for non-stereotypical princess books for their kids. Calling on Dragons is the 3rd book in the Enchanted Forest Chronicles and I have to say, it has been my favorite so far. Full of wizards, a flying blue donkey, wit and humor, flaming hair and a butt kicking female heroine, it's a great easy read for the grown ups and a fun adventure for the younger crowd. I'm reading the 4th now (and enjoying it even more than this one!) and after I'm done these books will go into my son's bookcase where maybe one day soon we can read them together.

I really enjoyed The Beast Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club. A lovely bit of fluff reading. Not too heavy. I plan on buying the next one soon. It's a really lovely store with a lot of yarn love and knitting thrown in. So even though I'm not a knitter (yet!) I enjoyed reading about it.
I started a lot of other books in September but they will just have to wait to be finished and talked about at the end of October.
Now for Miss Alice. Her favorites this month included-
Olivia- If you're a parent you've probably read this. It's awesome and the story is pretty much Alice Mae's life so it's perfect. One of her favorites for a long time now.
Ladybug Girl- Awesome. Empowering. Pretty illustrations. Read it to your kid!
Dem Bones- I LOVE this book. The artwork is adorable. The particular one we have (I found a bunch when I tried to look it up online) was a discounted book in the holiday section at B&N and is by Holly Weane, which cracked me up. Alice Mae has really enjoyed singing along with it.
And now for the first born. Ollie and I have gotten through 2 whole chapter books this month and started a 3rd!
Ollie loves Goosebumps. This is our 3rd one so far. I like them because we can get them for just a dollar or 2 at a used book store or thrift store and they are fairly short, easy reads that engage him. This one was fun and Ollie thought the ending was 'tricky'.
I always let Ollie choose his next chapter book to read and when he chose this one (which I actually bought for myself) I was so excited. One of my favorites from my childhood. He enjoyed that there were some illustrations throughout and also I think he liked the old timey feel of the kids and the wording. I still enjoyed it a lot and if we can find more of the books we'll definitely add them to his collection.
We started Goblins in the Castle by Bruce Coville a few nights ago. I forgot all about Bruce Coville! We are going to look up some of his books on Amazon and get some for the kids. I think buying books is one of my favorite things to spend money on. Maybe even as much as yarn. I'm going to make it a goal to read a few more books on my own through the rest of the months left of 2014. I know that I'm happier and healthier and better when I'm reading a lot. At least that isn't a goal we have to set for our kids!