Thursday, October 1, 2015

September Reads

This was a good month for reading. A lot of downtime. Lets get to it.

The Lightning Thief (Rick Ridordan)- I am probably one of the last to read this. Ollie chose this one after I bought the first 2 to give us more chapter book choices. We'd seen the movie and I have to say that this is one of those books that is wayyyy better than the movie. I try not to knock movies or compare books and movies so much but they watered down the story a lot (ha...ha... watered down... son of Poseidon...) in their movie adaption. Anywho, we really enjoyed the book! It was really funny and as a Greek mythology geek for my entire life, this was super fun to view those myths in a new way. Ollie really enjoyed it. A lot of adventure and wit and fun. He's very interested in mythology now.

Wonder (R.J. Palacio)- August is born with a facial deformity and his parents choose to homeshool him his entire life to protect him but for the first time he's going to public school and not sure how his peers will react or treat him. The story is narrated by Auggie and the people around him. This book. I can't even. It was one of my favorite reads of the year. Of all time. I LOVED this book. At first I thought it would break my Mama bear heart, and it did in a few places. It's not an easy story. But it's important and it's amazing and wonderful and it makes you feel all the things. Sometimes you need a book like that. I picked this up to read and see if it would be appropriate to read with Ollie sometime and it's definitely a book I'd recommend sitting down and reading with your kids. I think it will help you have some good conversations. I'll be purchasing this one for our family library.

Fantastic Mr. Fox (Roald Dahl)- Another Ollie and me book. I've started up a collection of Roald Dahl because I'd like to make my way through all of his books and I think so far the kids really love him too. This is a short and sweet book. Good for making funny voices while you read aloud. It took us about 2 nights to get through, so easy peasy! It's a fun, short read.

Prince Caspian (C.S. Lewis)- A while back Ollie and I read The lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and even though Ollie didn't want to continue the Chronicles of Narnia at the time, I decided to carry on by myself. I've read the Wardrobe twice now and this was my 2nd time making my through Prince Caspian, but I've never read the rest! Bad book nerd. I made it my personal quest to finish the series. I am reading them in the original publishing order, so it might seem like a strange order to some. They are just lovely though. I really loved Prince Caspian, even more than the first read through when I was a kid. It's such lovely language, isn't it? The Pevensies are some of my most favorite book characters ever.

Confessions of an Imaginary Friend (Michelle Cuevas)- Jacques Papier thinks no one likes him. The teacher ignores him, he doesn't have any friends, the bus driver slams the door in his face. What he doesn't realize that he's his 'twin' sister's imaginary friend. I saw this book and thought the cover and titles were interesting so I picked it up. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I can't explain how beautiful the imagery and language is. It's touching. The story is moving and wonderful and Jacques Papier is a really beautiful character. It would be a great read aloud book with the family.

The Sea of Monsters (Rick Riordan)- I get the feeling I'll be typing out Rick Riordan's name a few more times. Apparently my first born is very into this series. It's fun because it's the first series he seems to really love. We're working on the 3rd one now. It's just as fun and adventurous as the first book and you have a few new characters to enjoy. Again, the book is better than the movie. Like, the movie is basically an entirely different story, actually. Very few things even happen the same? They took a lot of creative leave, there. And the characters are so washed out in the movies. They are much more vibrant and funny and interesting in the book. Give the book a try if you haven't yet. You won't even have anything spoiled because the movie is SO different.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (C.S. Lewis)- First off, the name of the book is beautiful. Secondly, the cover of this edition (which is the one I have) is gorgeous. Serene. I'm still making my way through Narnia and this book was just as charming and adventurous as the other 2. I enjoyed it. I adore Lucy. The ending of this particular book was very bitter sweet and lovely. I'm so glad I decided to finally, at the ripe old age of 28, get through them all.

I have some exciting reads waiting on me in October. I'm trying to find a good ghost story or scary book to read in honor of Halloween but so far I haven't had much luck finding something I'm interested in that my library actually carries but I'm still searching. Happy reading!

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