Friday, November 13, 2015


Eight years ago I was blessed to welcome a son. Never in all of these years could I have dreamed of what a beautiful, kind, bright, funny little boy he'd become.

This feels like such a big age. I wasn't ready for it and I've spent a lot of time as a blubbering mess over the past week. I even broke down crying at his birthday party last weekend because where is my baby in this grown up face?! He has changed my life just by existing and even more by growing into such a magical person. We are so proud of him. He puts in so much effort, he never gives up, he is generous and kind and smart and the best big brother in the whole world. I could go on but instead I'll just say... he is one of the best things in this world. He is made of gold dust. He is treasured.

Happy birthday, you beautiful little creation. I made you, but you made me a mama.

He's at school today but before school we had our birthday traditions of running through a doorway covered in streamers and eating a pile of donuts for breakfast and opening gifts. We'll watch movies and eat pizza and ice cream cake tonight and celebrate the most wonderful little nerd in the world. We're so thankful for him.

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