Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday Randoms - Weekend Review

This weekend was nice and blah. All at once.

Blah first. More car problems. I swear, this car is the worst. I have pretty consistent panic attacks about it. I have extreme (I mean like EXTREME all caps necessary) anxiety about even just trivial stuff, so car problems really work me up. So now is more car stuff to figure out and I am just ughhhh. It sucks.

But the good stuff! Kind of blah and good mixed together- my bff came up on Friday evening and we spent some quality time while Miss Mae napped. We had plans for a girls night out and were taking Alice Mae to see Cinderella but the tickets sold out while we were in line! How lame! Alice had gotten dressed up and everything. I even crocheted her a crown. She ended up being fine because we walked across the street and got frozen yogurt. Which Alice calls 'Elsa yogurt' because she is the cutest thing that has ever existed.

Saturday we had some time at home which was mostly boring and tired, haha. Then we packed up and went back to that theater at 3 to watch Cinderella only to find that it was sold out AGAIN. Husband went ahead and bought tickets for the 6pm showing so that we didn't have to worry about it again. Note to self- buy tickets online from now on. We spent some time shopping and eating dinner at our favorite Mexican place and then husband dropped me and the princess off at the theater and we had some good ole Mama/daughter time. The movie wasn't a huge hit with Alice Mae. She loved the fairy godmother (Alice, even having never seen Cinderella in any other form before this night, loves to go around with magic wands and turn things into other things with a wave and a bippity boppity boo!) and I think the happy ending pleased her but she was mostly squirmy. She LOVED the Frozen short just before the movie started, though. When asked 'Alice, what was your favorite part of the movie?' she will pipe up 'the Frozen part!'.

Sunday we had plans but had to cancel them because of car issues. So we stayed home and I put husband to work helping me with yard work. We bought some marigolds and snap dragons and lovely sand colored rocks for our front flower bed that has been horribly unattended for the nearly 2 years we've lived here. I'll have to get photos later but it looks really nice right now. We just have to work on the back part of the bed, which we will need to get more rocks for.

We have some more fun gardening stuff going on though.

My potted green onions and kale are growing big and strong. The lettuce- not so much. Something has been nibbling it! So I am working on that. But we also started our tomato plant buying. Some purple tomatoes and yellow ones. Purple varieties are my favorite ever. I am going to probably plant this beauties today. We plan on buying quite a few more tomato plants but I had to snatch these guys up before they were sold out.

Today we're hopefully getting the car fixed. I'm in a state of pure anxiety at this point, waiting to hear. Being positive is not the easiest for me. Fingers crossed though. Something easy, something fixable, hopefully something that will actually fix it long term.

It's a really lovely Monday though. A nice chill to the air, bright sunshine. Hoping this week will be lovely and productive.

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