1. Mother Effin' Farmer's Market- I am so pumped for this. I haven't been since the beginning of spring LAST YEAR. My favorite wine maker sells her wine there and I am hoping for some really good veggie sales and maybe to get some fun jams because I need some tasty toast in my life.
2. After 2 Years- I finally started to hang some pictures on the wall. Whaaaaat. I had a random burst of energy yesterday and hammered some nails into the wall. I'm going to look for more frames this weekend because this wall definitely needs to be filled out a bit, but man, it's good to see our faces on the wall. We're a pretty bunch. And also! I am going to buy a photo album. Because I am finally going to start making hard copies of our photos and keeping them organized.
3. Dieting- I am still committed to losing weight, but I don't know if low amylose is how. It's good because it gives me choices but also limits what I can eat so that I can basically only have really good for me things BUT I am also nearly 3 weeks in and have not lost much. I basically lost some weight at first and since then it has stayed the same. Which is frustrating. So, I am rethinking this one.
4. Reading Slump- I have not read a single book since the middle of April. That is so long! I've been reading The Book Thief since like.. I don't even know. Probably close to a month. I read like 2 or 3 pages a day. I don't know what happened but I went from reading 1-2 books a week to nothing. Other than my nightly reading with Oliver, I am in such a slump.
5. Crocheting Slump- I've also been lackluster with crocheting. It's a bummer. I have a baby blanket that really needs to be done by the 30th of this month. I have really lost interest lately, which is lame. Part of it is definitely depression. Womp womp. Which is also a big part of not reading. I just want to sit around and watch old seasons of Once Upon A Time. But, I also think I've gotten to a point where I really don't want to be making stuff to sell. It has taken so much fun out of it for me. I'm thinking of closing my shop for a few months and trying to get the fun back.
Those last 3 weren't super positive, were they? Oh well. Real life! I am so ready for 5:30 to roll around and my boys to get home. Husband has promised me some coconut curry for dinner and I think I'm going to make him watch a few episodes of Supernatural with me and then tomorrow is the farmer's market (!!!!) and then probably a bit of laziness mixed with a dash of yard work for the rest of the weekend. A very small dash of productivity. Like maybe a pinch.

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