Monday, May 18, 2015

Life Lately Randomness

Mondays. Am I right? It seems like every Monday for the past few weeks I wake up with a migraine. Could I be legit allergic to Mondays? Is there a Doctor's note for this?

Some random life happenings because I am tired and can only think in random strings of thought.

First of all, FERTILITY UPDATE- I got my blood work results back on Friday afternoon, less than 48 hours after my blood was taken. Most things looked fine but I do have wonky progesterone numbers which indicates that I am not ovulating. So now another waiting game as I wait for my period to show up but then I get to go into the doctor's office and get a handy dandy prescription of fertility meds! Things are looking up.

My cube organizer came over the weekend. We're using it in our kitchen, getting ride of the bulky old dresser we had in there for storage. Melody the cat instantly took it over. I think she approves. She will probably approve less once it's filled with things. I am loving it. I'm so excited to fill it up. Just waiting on some canvas boxes to arrive to put in some of the cubes.

I have been having an upset tummy for 4 or 5 days now. I think it's my Metformin. It's no fun. I have to start taking it with food again.

My mom bought the kids a little pool and they have been loving it. It's nice to have it now that the days are actually getting hotter.

I've been thinking a lot about my birthday, which is a little over a month away. I'm planning a cookout with my family and best friend which is very unlike me. I don't enjoy my birthday usually. I don't mind getting older but since I was little my birthdays have always been dramatic. Someone in the family is fighting or being a butthole. It's so bad that Peter has a rule that my family isn't allowed to call me on my birthday. Why am I planning a little party for myself? I have no idea. I am staying positive that no one will be an ass and ruin it. Time will tell. But I feel like celebrating. We have a lot to be happy about. By that time we'll have gone through our first dose of fertility meds already!

I've also been thinking about Father's Day gifts for husband. I am thinking of getting him a gift certificate for a massage or chiropractic adjustment. I'm also trying to think of what the kids can do for him/get him.

School is out in 18 days. It snuck up on me! We need to start planning some day activities so the kids don't drive me bonkers. Luckily there are 3 parks, an ice cream shop, a bouncy castle and a library all within walking distance. I am envisioning many days in the park and lots of picnics.

Since starting the low amylose diet, I've found that when I cheat and eat any bread products I instantly feel awful. I don't know if there's some sort of intolerance there or maybe just bread in general isn't agreeable with me or is too heavy but bleh. I'm not fond of this feeling.

However, on Saturday we went to the farmer's market and there was a little restaurant in a red barn that we had to try out. I ordered a fried green tomato BLT and it was HEAVEN. The bacon was pecan smoked and was the best bacon ever put in my mouth. I love fried green tomatoes and I'm so excited to finally have tomato season again so I can eat them all the time. I did feel very bleh after eating it, but during the eating process there were no regrets.

And now I'm craving bacon.

I think this is going to be a lazy week. I'm feeling like sitting around watching Disney movies is the best idea ever. Alice will probably agree with me. That's one of the reasons I love her. Ta-ta for now!

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