Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hump Day Happiness

Some things I'm loving.

1. Summery Weather- It has been so warm and nice. It's really tolerable until about 4 in the evening and then I have to turn on the AC because it gets stuffy in the house. But we are loving the kiddy pool time and how it is making our garden grow.

2. Fertility Happenings- I feel pretty obsessive about my upcoming appointment. The anticipation! Not knowing when it will be is a killer. I just have to wait for my period to start up and then zooooom off to the doctor for some meds to hopefully knock me up quickly.

3. Feeling Myself- Obsessed with Nicki Minaj and Beyonce's newest.

4. Alice in hats.

5. Feminist Lisa Frank- It's everything I've ever wanted in life.

Happy hump day!

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