Friday, January 9, 2015

Oh, Hey Friday!

It's Friday again! Yay weekend! I love having both of my boys home and the weekend is always very looked forward to by us gals.

This Friday's five will be Things I'm Looking Forward To. So without further ado.

  1. Valentine's Day- I looooove Valentine's Day. I love the hearts and the pinkness and the yummy sweets and chocolates and showering my babes with all of that lovey doveyness. We are planning on an early celebration with our kiddos. The SC State Museum that Sunday before to see their amazing dino exhibit, which both kids will freak over, and then some sort of awesome dessert treat after. I'm making each kid something special and they'll get their usual box of chocolates.
  2. Making Blankets-  Crocheting blankets is easily my favorite thing to crochet. Especially baby blankets. And I have an awful lot to make because there are A LOT of pregnant chicks.
  3. Organizing- I am in the middle of a giant cleaning and organizing movement in our house. I'm throwing stuff out, I'm clearing things out, I'm setting up new ways to keep things where they go. It feels like a fresh start.
  4. Alice Mae's 4th Birthday- Okay, this isn't until April but still. I am looking forward to it! I'm also sad because 4 is so old and she is already getting tall and gangly and losing her baby fat and she looks like a big kid and not a baby and my baaaaaaby where did my baby go. Okay. So I'm kind of dreading it too. I start planning parties early (you have to in this family to get schedules to match up)  and I've been thinking on it this past week. Where and when and what to buy/make her.
  5. Family Road Trip- Saved the best for last! Husband and I agreed a couple of months ago that if/when gas prices dropped below 2 dollars we would plan a road trip. And boom! 1.99 baby. We have a short little road trip planned to North Carolina, we just have to choose a weekend to go. Probably not for another month or 2 but we know there will be a zoo visit and an aquarium visit and I'm excited! This will be our first family vacation EVER. Even though it's only a weekend I think it will be amazing and much needed.

So that's it for Friday! Bring on the weekend! I've got a lot of sitting around and napping to do.

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