My 5 today- My big ole To Do list. Some projects I have coming up that I can't wait to cross off!
1. Alice Mae's Big Girl Room- We're so excited for this! We have ordered Alice Mae some new furniture and we're going to be rearranging her room and replacing her toddler bed with a twin bed. I've poured through my Kiddo Room Pinterest board to find some inspiration for her space and made a little collage of my favorite ideas. I can't wait to get started! Hopefully the furniture will be here by the 10th and we can put it together and start working on things.
2. Painting Ollie's Room- We will be repainting his very blue room this weekend! Originally blue seemed like such a nice idea but in almost 2 years I've realized I really like a more neutral color when it comes to walls. We're going with a nearly white color and then we'll add some fun pops of color in there. I also made him a little inspiration collage.
3. Gardening- I am so excited that it's time to start planting. I have some seeds ready to go. Lettuces and kale and collard greens and cold weather loving things like that. We're going to be adding some more plots to our garden this year! A huge tomato plot, for example, which I am THE MOST excited about. I only enjoy tomatoes when they are ripe from the garden and I have been dying for some fried green tomatoes for weeks.
4. Vacation Planning- We're about a month out from our little road trip so I am pumped! Time to start planning planning planning. Book a room, plan out our 3 days, get sitters for the pets, etc.
5. Organizing Frenzy- This is an ongoing project that will probably last another month or so. But I am in the middle of organizing the crap out of everything. EVERYTHING I SAY. It is such a thrill for me and also such a stress reliever. I think buying a label maker is in my near future though because I can't get this husband of mine and our offspring to put things in the right place to save my life. Things that have been going in the same spot for nearly 2 years are still somehow put in a completely different area. Honestly.
So as much as I love the weekend, having made plans to paint that blue room this weekend doesn't have me super excited. Painting is my least favorite thing in pretty much the whole world. But gotta get 'er done! I'll just get husband to take us out somewhere fun as a reward. Sounds like a plan, Stan.
Cheers to the weekend!
September Farm

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