We have a lot of stuff to look forward to. Valentine's fun with the kids and 2 whole nights without the kids (what?!). That means 2 days with date opportunity.
But first, some Friday randomness. What have we been up to this week?
1. V-Day Gifts
We are going to visit both Grandmas on Saturday so we picked up some tulips and chocolates for them. I like giving a little something when we can.
We also grabbed this block puzzle for the niece and the kids made her a Valentine. The blocks have a different pictures on each side. We picked one of these up to put aside for Miss Mae's birthday in April. We have some puzzle loving little girls in our family.
I have a special home made gift for husband that I'll share later. I have to print it out! And frame it.
2. Organizing
I am a machine. I've been cleaning the crap out of the house. We also purchased some new kitchen stuff so that is getting moved around and reorganized and it's all a hot mess right now but when it's DONE, it will be marvelous. My main focus is the kitchen and there is still a lot to do. I have the feeling that part of my date with husband this weekend will be shopping for the perfect containers to help us corral and organize in there.
3. Alice Big Girl Room
She's pretty excited about this red bed. We went shopping for new sheets (since her old ones were all toddler bed sized) and a new pillow. We still have to pick up a new comforter for her. I am dead set on a white/cream one because eventually when her b-day blanket is done I want it to pop and not compete with other blankets.
Husband has put together her dresser and we've rearranged her room and started to organize things. Best thing about this bed is the potential for underbed storage. I already bought some clear plastic containers and put play food/tea sets in one, dress up clothes in another and all of her babies and baby accessories in the last one. I told you. I'm a freaking machine.
I'm planning on adding some more art and we bought new curtains, etc. It's coming together. Slow and steady.
4. Garden Readiness
I planted a TON of seeds yesterday in pots on my porch. Kale, lettuce, green onion, basil, rosemary, chives. I still have to plant some morning glory and carrots and more lettuce and kale in some other pots. This coming week I'll probably start putting together our new raised beds and HOPEFULLY the pea teepee I want to make the kids. I'm also going to pick out flowers for the front flower bed, which has never been pretty in the nearly 2 years we've owned this place. I want pretty flowers, damn it.
Speaking of. My boys knew I wasn't having a great day yesterday and they brought me home these roses, which I immediately planted in a big pot. Love love love.
5. Alphabet Learnin'
Al and I are working hard on her alphabet, especially her name. Which she knows 4 out of 5 of the letters of! She is still having trouble remembering I but it will come in time. I made her this little alphabet matching game up there (super easy, I just made some templates and then cut them out of construction paper and we keep them in a plastic bag up on a shelf) and I made her a name puzzle to work on which has really helped her learn how to spell her name. Like I said, some puzzle loving girls up in here.
We also sing her name to the tune of Bingo. 'There was a girl who had a name and Alice was her name-o! A-L-I-C-E!' etc and she loooooves it.
So that's the 5 for this week. Random going ons. I'm off to pack some bags for my love monsters and get their Valentine's day surprises ready! There will be much heart shaped food and adventure happening tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend.

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