My 5 for Friday this week is going to be all about books for the little 'uns. I am happy to have some bright little readers. It's true what they say, you know. Children really do become readers on the laps of their parents. I'm always looking for new books for the kids and especially books for my little miss that won't bore me to death.
1. The Oldies but Goodies-
You can't go wrong with Seuss. Ever. Or Eric Carle. His books have to be some of my very favorite books in the history of ever. The list really does go on and on with the old school
2. Rib Tickling
Chimpansneeze and Hiccupotamus are 2 of our most requested books and they are so cute we can read them over and over. You Will Be My Friend is CUTE as cute can be. Much recommend.
3. Alice's Favorite
No David and David Goes to School are Alice Mae's very favorite books of all time. She has known them by heart since the 3rd time we read them and she goes through phases that are never that far apart where she wants to read these books and only these books about a dozen times a day.
4. Lovey Books
Firstly, Love Monster is adorable. Secondly, Penguin in Love is a very new to us book that we got for Valentine's day and Alice is OBSESSED with it and it is 2 of my favorite things- yarn work and penguins. It is so cute, you can't even believe it. Read it to your kids!
5. Neil Gaiman
I love him, I love his work and his children's books are no exception. It's all lovely. Do yourself a favor and read Blueberry Girl. Chu is also SO CUTE. But if you are trying to raise brave, wonder-struck babies, Blueberry Girl is da bomb diggity.
I have so many more. I really narrowed it down! Go me. I think this is a good list in a pinch, hopefully with some new to you stuff that will help you bulk up your kiddo's library.
Head on over to September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for more Friday fun.

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